A home is one such living space that offers to its inhabitant the benefit of comfortable living. From choosing the right kind of décor to selecting the correct paint for the walls, the delicate intricacies of constructing a house require careful planning. Be it renovating the house or constructing a new one, it is important that the colors for painting the walls be selected with correct planning and thought. Let us explore some of the factors that need to be kept in mind when selecting a colour for the walls of your home:
A house becomes a home when one invests her or his emotions and the right kind of colour mix to get that perfect feel. For instance, the study room has to have a bright colour on the walls to complement the bright light from the room’s windows thereby giving the room a more positive feel for better focus and concentration. Spaces like the living room can have bold colours on its walls for the more vibrant feel for socialization and such activities. Calming colors are suggested for bathrooms.
Energetic Vibes
Use of colours like orange and yellow give a space more energetic and welcoming vibe. Therefore such colours are preferred for kitchen spaces. Dark orange and olive green are the other shades suggested for dining spaces to avoid making the space stuffy or uninviting.
Natural Light Sources
Natural light sources alter the look and feel of a room. For instance, a room with a window that has a source of bright sunlight would further brighten the room every time there is bright sunshine inside the room. In this case, a warm colour like yellow would work well. During night time, the same colour would appear different as it is only due to rich sunlight that the exact shade of any paint is exposed. Therefore the right kind of lighting also has to be used. For instance, incandescent bulbs highlight yellow tone and fluorescent lighting would pull blue tones from colors.
The task of selecting the right paint for your home is a difficult task. It is difficult because there has to be the right mix of colours for different rooms and the walls. Harrison Decorating Service’s with years of hard work and experience are experts in this field. We provide complete guidance and knowledge from selecting the right colour until the end. Harrison Decorators has a team of well trained and highly skilled professionals to get the job done to absolute perfection.